Principal's Note - September 17, 2017

By Margaret Barnes
Principal's Note
September 18, 2017

Dear Holmes Families: 

Happy Sunday!  I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend!  It's hard to believe we are already heading into week 4!  A few exciting happenings this week:

  • Students have completed 3 weeks of school-wide ER-8 lessons where students built community in their ER-8 classes, learned behavior expectations, and learned more about IB!  This week, students will begin the normal rotation of ER periods.  Beginning this week, I'll start including the schedule of classes for the week in the Principal's Note.  (See below.) 
  • Our first PTA meeting is tomorrow evening at 6:30 in the Lecture Hall...more details below.
  • No need to cook dinner on Tuesday's a PTA Family Dine-Out night at Chipotle!  See flyer below. 
  • Hawk Club starts this week...more details below.  


Thank you!


Margaret Barnes, Principal is external)                      

Schedule of Classes*: 9/18-9/22

  • Monday, 9/18 = BLUE DAY
  • Tuesday, 9/19 = WHITE DAY w/ ER 1 & 2
  • Wednesday, 9/20 = BLUE DAY
  • Thursday, 9/21 = WHITE DAY w/ ER 3 & 4
  • Friday, 9/22 = STUDENT HOLIDAY; School Planning Day for staff

*NOTE: Students can always find the blue-white calendar in their agendas or on the website HERE.  

What is Hawk Club?

The After School Program (ASP) at Holmes will start on September 18th with our Hawk Club.  Hawk Club is that group of students (any are welcome!) whose parents will provide a ride and pick them up at school by 5:30PM.  Hawk Club is available to all students who will be picked up by their parents Monday through Friday throughout the year (we'll announce dates when it will not be available in advance).   Any students who would like to stay for Hawk Club are welcome to stay starting this coming Monday.  Students spend the first half of the time in Homework Rooms completing homework or reading.  The last half of the time period, students participate in recreation activities organized by the ASP staff.  

NOTE: Late buses and the regular schedule of ASP activities will start on Monday, 9/25, and will run Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays throughout the year.  

Find more information HERE on our school website.


Join us for the first Holmes MS PTA meeting!

We look forward to seeing our families tomorrow night at the first PTA meeting of the year!  The meeting will begin at 6:30 in the Lecture Hall.  After the business portion of the meeting, Mr. Cabezas - our After School Program Specialist - will share information about our After School Activities, which officially kick off on Monday, 9/25.  

See the flyer below for details about the PTA's first Family Dine-Out Night this week!


Save the Date: 50th Anniversary Celebration - Saturday, October 21st!

As many of you know, 2017 is Holmes Middle School's 50th Anniversary!  Last year, students were challenged to read 50 books and the school met the challenge of completing 50 Acts of Service!  

In collaboration with the Holmes MS PTA(link is external), we are planning our culminating event for Saturday, October 21st from 10 AM - 2 PM here at Holmes.  More information to come over the next couple of months!

Other Important Dates

Put these dates on your calendar!

  • Monday, 9/18, 6:30 PM - 1st PTA Meeting (Topic: After School Program)

  • Tuesday, 9/19 - 1st PTA Family Dine-Out at Chipotle in Alexandria at 6242 Little River Turnpike Suite A


Stay In Touch

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