Holmes Family Liaison Resource Center and Resources for Families

Resources for training, classes, health and basic needs.

Holmes MS Family Resource Center

Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-3:30pm and by appointment

Location: HMS Middle School, Room #M1

Phone: 703-658-5923


Community Partnerships in Action

Our goal is to provide a welcome and safe environment where family, school, and community can partner to promote greater academic and personal achievement for all our students. Please join us to share a cup of coffee, talk, learn, and share ideas and concerns to support Holmes families, students, and the community. 

Community Programs and services include:

Guest speakers on a variety of topics supporting families and student achievement, Internet access for parents, parenting classes, English and computer classes for adults, support for student based programs such as:  After School Program, Backpack Program, community outreach, connecting families to community social and medical services, etc., Food Bank and Holiday Assistance programs

Programs and Services for Families

When available and through donations, we maintain the following resources for families. Parents are welcome to come by and check out our clothes closet and food bank. There is no charge for these resources.

Food Bank

Basic food bank with non-perishable items. Please contact the parent liaisons if you  would like to donate, help organize, or pick up food items.

Backpack Program

Backpacks and supplies are provided through the generosity of a community church on a needs basis and serve approximately 18 students each year.

Holiday Assistance

We also partner with families and organizations in the community to provide Thanksgiving baskets and holiday bags for our families in need. Availability is based on donations. Please contact the parent liaisons if you would like to donate, help organize, or be considered for assistance.

FCPS Parenting Resources

Bullying is serious and will not be tolerated at Holmes Middle School. Our students deserve to be treated with respect and feel safe in school at all times. The purpose of this hotline is to have students report incidents of bullying anonymously to school officials

Community Resources for Families and FCPS links

Community Food, Housing, Medical Resources

Fairfax County Human Services Coordinated Services Planning (CSP)-short term, emergency help with basic needs, 703 -222-0880 Capital Area Food Bank Hunger Lifeline Emergency food assistance referral service, 202-644-9807 or 202-639-9770 hungerlifeline@capitalfoodbank.org

Food for Others Feeding Families, Nourishing lives info@foodforothers.org

Food for Others Distribution Site Immanuel Methodist Church 7901 Heritage Dr.  6pm on Thursdays; call Food for Others for moresite and times info@foodforothers.org

Common Help Fairfax County Department of Family Services apply for SNAP, Medicaid, TANF, Child Care Services, Energy Assistance www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dfs/apply(link is external)

ACCA (Annandale Christian Community for Action) - Family Emergency Assistance - Food Pantry - Furniture - House Repairs - Shelter Assistance - Transportation  accacares@verizon.net(link is external) 7200 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003 703-256-0100 (info) 703-256-1378 (assistance)

Health Clinic Services

Clinic Services

English Classes 2023-24

Adult Computer Classes

Free Financial Education Classes

Employment Guidance

Technology Support for Families

Emergency Food Assistance

For Emergency food needs you may call the main office of Food for Others. Please take ID with you

Continuous Food Assistance

If you need food and need continuous assistance you may come to one of the following neighborhood sites at the times specified. The only question that is asked is, “How many people are in your household?” Please bring your own grocery bags.

Fairfax County

Annandale – Fairmont Gardens:  Third Thursday of Every Month

Burke: Monday, Thursday – Temporarily Closed on Mondays due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Fairfax : Monday, Thursday

Seven Corners: Tuesday, Thursday

Springfield Gardens: Friday 

Springfield – Chelsea Square: Tuesday

Falls Church

Falls Church : Wednesday, Friday

Arlington County

S. Dickerson and Barcroft: Monday, Tuesday

Gunston: Tuesday