New Student Registration
We're excited to welcome our newest Hawks!
We are a school in Fairfax County, Virginia.
New students fall into one of two registration categories:
- New residents in FCPS from a different state or country, with a home language other than English, should contact The Office of Student Registration at FCPS Online Registration or Submit a Student Registration Question | Fairfax County Public Schools (
- For residents who have recently moved to FCPS from another state or nearby county and speak English as their home language, please get in touch with our Holmes Middle School Student Service Assistant, Wendy Y. Alfaro at Kindly find the registration requirements and application below.
To join Holmes Middle School, first determine if your student lives in our boundary by viewing the FCPS boundary locator.
To Register at Holmes Middle School
- Fill out the registration packet (The physical health form is not a requirement for middle school)
- Send all the documents by email to our Student Service Assistant, Wendy Y. Alfaro
The following documents will need to be included:
- Your child's birth certificate
- the registering parent's license
- proof of residency (see below)
- your child's previous transcript
- immunization records. See link for document guidelines.
Please provide three supporting documents with your name and address on the papers if you are leasing. (Proof of residency: A deed, lease agreement, or resident manager’s letter and signed attestation indicating the current residence. If the family is living in the residence of someone else, a signed attestation indicating the current residence and three supporting documents to that effect are required as evidence of non-temporary residence. Parents must notify their child’s school when their home address changes and provide proof of their new residence. If families move out of Fairfax County, children are no longer eligible to attend Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) and will be withdrawn. The student must be accompanied by the person with whom he/she lives, either a parent or a court-appointed guardian or legal custodian. The accompanying adult will be required to present photo identification. Physical presence of the parent in the residence of the child is required for tuition-free enrollment in FCPS. A change in enrollment status may be necessary if a parent initially enrolls the student but leaves Fairfax County. Virginia law and FCPS School Board policies and regulations set criteria regarding the enrollment of children by nonparents. Having legal custody is only one of the requirements that must be met.)
Please remember that all documents must be in physical form to complete the registration. Don't hesitate to contact Holmes Student Services ( to set up an appointment to bring the documents in for verification.
A meeting with the counselor will be scheduled after the registration process is complete.
What forms do I need to return?
- The forms below can be brought to school during open house on August 17th or the first day of school.
- Emergency Care Card
- The Emergency Care Forms (ECC) can also be accessed at weCare@school to view and update information
- Health Information Form
- Student Laptop Responsible Use Guidelines & Digital Resource Consent
- After School Registration Form
- For questions or concerns about the After-School Program, contact Matthew Kruk -
What immunizations are required for school?
All students are required to be immunized against certain communicable diseases to attend school in the state of Virginia. It is important for all students to receive the required immunizations.
Please talk with your family health care provider about whether or not your children are up to date on their vaccines before the new school year begins. Submit updated immunization records to your school as soon as possible.
More information on immunization requirements and the necessary documentation is available online.