After School Program FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about the After School Program.
1. When does the After-School Program begin?
The After-School Program will begin Monday, September 9, 2024.
2. How much does the After-School Program cost?
After-School is free to Holmes students.
3. What are the hours & schedule for the After-School Program?
- Hours
- 2:15-4:45
- Schedule
- 2:15-2:45 PM Snack and Activity Sign-ins located in the cafeteria.
- 2:45 – 3:30 First Activity Block
- 3:40 - 4:40 Second Activity Block
- 4:45 Late Bus Pick Dismissal.
4. Are the late buses the same as the regular run buses?
No. there are only 7 late run buses that cover the 20 regular school day bus routes, therefore, most students do not ride the same bus for after-school. It is important that students know what is the bus number he/she rides in after-school. Please keep in mind that the stops may require that students walk a little further. Late Bus information is provided to students by Mr. Kruk and any Holmes staff member at the beginning of the school year and upon student request.
5. Are there late buses every day?
No. Late buses run on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ONLY.
6. How does my student sign-up to stay for the After-School Program?
There are 2 steps for your student to stay for the After-School Program.
- YEARLY SIGN-UP (One-Time Registration) - Every student is required to complete the one-time yearly Registration Form. Please complete the form for your student (Registration Form) if you haven't already completed the form for the 2024-25 school year.
- Sign-up (during lunches) - All students who plan to stay after-school for any reason will be required to sign-up during their lunch block in the cafeteria. Mr. Kruk is present during all four lunch blocks for students to sign-up for after-school activities. This makes it easier for students if they should have questions or concerns about staying after school, he’s right there to assist the students.
- Sign-in (at the start of the After-School Program) - All students who sign-up during their lunch and stay for the After-School Program will sign-in to the attendance form once they arrive in the cafeteria at 2:15. This sign-in process is quick and easy while ensuring each student in the building from 2:15-4:45 is accounted for.
7. Why is the SIGN-UP process daily & why is it during lunches?
After careful consideration of many factors including student access and equity, having students sign up each day they plan to stay after-school during their lunch block is the most efficient and accurate way to account for our students that will attend our program and that we have enough space for those students.
Weekly sign-ups have failed in the past as they many students tend to change their minds throughout the week based on many different factors. If students sign up on Monday for activities on a Wednesday and that activity is full but those students don’t show up on Wednesday, it’s not fair for other students that could have attended that activity and it’s not fair to the staff who may have planned to have a full club.
Sign-ups during lunch on the cafeteria computers ensures all students use the same process and have the same access. If students are having lunch with a teacher, that teacher is able to sign-up the students from their own computer. Allowing students individual access to the sign-ups throughout the day is not equitable for all our students who may not be able to access the sign up form at the similar timeframe.
Lastly, if students are signing up during lunch and they’re having challenges with the form or being able to get into the club of their choice, I’m present and available to assist them with the technology and get them into the club of their choice.
8. Will activities already be full if my student has the last lunch (D lunch)?
No. While each activity does have a cap, we divide that cap by 4 so that each activity has the same amount of openings during each of the four lunches. For example, Basketball will have a cap of 36. Therefore, there are 9 openings for basketball during each lunch block.
9. What happens if my student can’t get into the activity of their choice?
If by chance your student’s desired club or activity has filled up or they were late to signing up, I encourage that student to come and speak with me during lunch. I will almost always find a way to get that student into the club or activity that day. If I’m unable to get that student into the club or activity that day, I will make sure they are able to get into the club the next time it meets.
We see a high demand for students to participate in after-school activities. With finite resources, including staff and physical space, we have to set a limit on the number of students we can safely accommodate in each activity, because of that, we ask you to encourage your student to have a second or third choice of activity if they are eager to participate in after-school.
10. How will I know if my student is staying after-school?
Families will NOT be automatically notified when students sign-up to stay after-school. Students should communicate with parents or guardians in advance about their plans for the afternoon. Please be pro-active and define your plans ahead of time. Students may always call home from our main office during lunch to confirm with family. Families may also email Mr. Kruk ( if there are any questions or concerns with their student staying for the After-School Program.
11. Can my student walk home?
Yes. Your student may walk home as long as the parent or guardian provides written consent (may be an email) stating your student has permission to walk home from the After-School Program. Emails should be sent to Mr. Kruk (
All students that walk home must sign-out of the main office before leaving the building to ensure our safe-student criteria has been met. If students exit the building without our staff knowing, it may cause concern if staff are looking for that student.
12. What if I only need to stay with my teacher for 30 minutes? Can my parent arrange to pick me up when I am finished?
Yes, students who need to be picked up early may leave with a parent/guardian. Parents should report to the Main Office to sign-out the student.
13. Why do I have to sign-out my student before the program ends at 4:45?
Student safety is our top priority in the program and we follow the same procedure as the the regular school day. Making sure the students are signed-out also ensures that all staff is aware that the student is no longer in the building.
14. Can my student start a new club?
Yes. Some of our most popular clubs have been created by students. If a student wants to organize a club, we request that this create-a-club form is completed. Once completed, the student can follow-up with Mr. Kruk for the next steps.
15. Is a snack provided during after-school?
Yes, a snack is provided to each student who participates in our After-School Program.