Principal's Note - Jan 29, 2023
Good afternoon, Holmes Families!
My apologies for the delay in this week's newsletter! Quarter 3 and second semester classes begin this week!
The beginning of February also marks the beginning of Black History Month. Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS.
Second semester starts Monday, January 30, 2023
Students who have semester classes (Art, Intro to French, PE etc.) will have new classes starting then.
Schedules are viewable in Parent Vue and Student Vue.
On Monday, students in a year-long 2nd period class (such as English or Band), will go straight to their class.
Students with a semester class can do the following:
- Check Student Vue prior to Monday for their new class (See image below)
- Check the postings on the wall prior to class, find their last name and second period teacher
- Ask an adult in the hallway for help
All students will receive a new schedule in their 2nd period class on Monday.
Please note that counselors will only be making changes to schedules if there is an error – such as they are missing PE. More information on requests to change an elective will be given in the upcoming weeks.
All students also have access to this information in Schoology.
New Intervention Cycle Begins Tuesday, 1/31
We will also have a new round of Math, English, and Science intervention during 3rd quarter. Teachers have identified students who will receive intervention in place of SOAR on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between January 31st and March 16th. More information will be coming soon to students.
Academic Advising
Counselors have started to visit Science classes to do academic advising with students for the 2023-24 school year. Again, if you missed Curriculum Night, check out the slide decks HERE to help you with decisions about course selection. Please also feel free to join us at one of our upcoming parent coffees (in-person and online) to learn more about the course selection process for the 2023-24 school year:
- Wednesday, 2/1, 1-2 pm
- Wednesday, 2/8, 5-6 pm
Increase in the number of broken computers
Over the past month we have had a steady upswing in the number of broken computers, especially laptop screens. We ask for your help to remind kids to take better care of their computers. When a computer screen is broken it has to be sent off site to be fixed. This usually takes about one week or more. We try to supply backups while we can. Please remind students of these tips:
- Keep computers off the floor and away from edge of a desk
- Suggest that students place soft items in bookbags and try not to drop or throw the bookbags
- Close the computer lids carefully and make sure no objects are on the keyboard at the time of closing
- Carry the computer with two hands from the bottom
Holmes Hawk Herald Podcast
Did you know we started an after school program for podcasting? Episode 5 has been released and is ready for YOUR ears. The topics in this episode are:
- World Cup: Was it rigged?
- Conflict Resolution: How do conflicts at school affect you?
You can subscribe to it on Spotify here or listen to it on Anchor here. Students listen to each episode through their SOAR classes. Students are welcome to join the club, which meets each Thursday after school. If you or your student would like to submit a story idea, fill out the Google Form here.
Introducing... Eighth Grade Personal Ads
The yearbook staff wants to offer you the opportunity to honor your eighth grader as they move up to
high school. Surprise your student with a personal ad in the yearbook. These special messages can
be from parents, grandparents, siblings or even pets. You may purchase more than one ad; however,
please submit a separate form for each ad. Each ad will be the size shown below. Ads cost $15 each and is due Friday, March 3, 2023.
Here are today's newsletter topics:
Holmes Updates
- Student Services Information
- 2022-23 Blue/White Schedule
- 2022-23 Bell Schedule
- After School Schedule Next Week
- Holmes MS PTA
- From Ms. Oncho, Our Family Liaison
- Testing Information & Quarter 3 Testing Windows (Coming Soon)
- Important Upcoming Dates
- How to Stay Connected to Holmes MS
FCPS & Community Updates
- Text-to-Speech Available on FCPS Websites
- Have Your Say in Our Future!
- We Want Your Feedback! Draft 2023-24 School Year Calendar Options
- FY 2023-24 Proposed Budget Highlights
- Youth Substance Use Presentations
- Summer Camps & Learning Opportunities
- Stay Connected with FCPS
Please feel free to reach out and let us know what questions you have. Thank you, and have a wonderful break!
Margaret Barnes
Proud Principal, Holmes MS
Student Services Information
2022-23 Blue/White Calendar
From Mr. Kruk, our After School Specialist
After-School Program Weekly News & Notes from 1/23-1/25
News & Notes
Student(s) of the Week
- The After-School Program Student of the week: Joseph Mekuria
- Joseph has demonstrated commitment to the program and several different clubs including Flag Football League, Soccer League, & Intramural Sports.
- “Joseph has a great attitude, is very respectful towards adults, helps when it’s needed, and is always serving as a leader amongst his peers.” – ASP Staff Member
- Congrats Joseph!
New Clubs starting this week!
- Guided Meditation (Wednesday)
- Hawks Nest (Wednesday)
- Cards & Games Club (Friday)
Capital One Coders – Spring 2023 Session
- Does your student have an interest or want to learn more about computer coding?
- Capital One Coders will be providing this opportunity starting on Wednesday February 15th.
- This 10-week club is open to students of all skill levels from beginner to advanced.
- Applications and Permission forms are available through the All Student Schoology Course.
- Deadline for students to apply is Friday February 10th.
After-School Action
We celebrated our After-School Students of the Week from the 2nd quarter with pizza & certificates.
After School Schedule 1/30-2/3
Students Leaving After-School before 4:45
- Any student staying after school must be signed out of the main office by a parent or guardian if leaving prior to 4:45.
- Walkers may sign themselves out any time after 3:30 when first block ends.
Contact the After-School Specialist, Matt Kruk,
Holmes MS PTA
We invite EVERY family at Holmes to participate in the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) because we can do more together! Advocate for your child, and for all the children at Holmes. Connect with other parents, so that we can build a stronger community for ourselves and our children. This year, the Holmes PTA is planning on holding in-person meetings again, so you can meet face-to-face with other parents and with Ms. Barnes. We're also planning restaurant nights, Bingo Nights, a Fun Run, Teacher Appreciation Week, and so much more!
- Are you able to volunteer? Submit this Google form
- Want to order Spiritwear
Donate to our PTA's upcoming raffles and fundraising
From Ms. Oncho, Our Family Liaison
Healthy Social Connections: Middle & High School Classes
- Register now for CATCH My Breath and Healthy Relationships Plus classes for middle and high school students.
- Teens are invited to join in Formed Families Forward's Winter and Spring classes, held Tuesday evenings at Sherwood Community Center in Fairfax City. Classes are led by trained young adult facilitators and use activities and peer connections to encourage healthy choices.
- Registration is FREE and participants who attend regularly earn gift cards. Dinner is served too!
Teens and Young Adults: Time to Get Stronger, Together!
- Formed Families Forward's FREE peer support groups for youth and youth adults ages 14 - 22 are back! Register now for the 8-week session, held IN PERSON Thursday evenings starting February 9 in Fairfax City.
Our fabulous psychologist facilitators are returning and have great connection activities planned.
Dinner is served each night. REGISTER and join in!
February Webinars and Events for Parents
FCPS’ Parent Resource Center (PRC) is dedicated to helping adults support the success of all students. The PRC will present the following webinars in February:
- Thursday, February 9, at 7 p.m., Meet the Author Series: All Cats are on the Autism Spectrum by Kathy Hoopmann
- Friday, February 10, at 10 a.m., Neurodiversity at Elementary Schools
- Wednesday, February 15, at 6:30 p.m., What should I do before my child grows up?
- Friday, February 17, and Friday, February 24, at 10 a.m., Supporting Mental Health Through Play
Click on the title for more information and to register.
Testing Information & Quarter 3 Testing Windows
Quarter 3 Testing Information Coming Soon
Important Upcoming Dates
- Wednesday, 2/1, 1-2 pm - Academic Advising Parent Coffee
Tuesday, 2/7, 4-8 pm - Spirit Night at Chipotle on Little River Tnpk
- Wednesday, 2/8, 1-2 pm - Academic Advising Parent Coffee
- Friday, 2/17, 9-10 am - Coffee with the Principal & Admin Team
- Monday, 2/20 - NO SCHOOL / George Washington's Birthday
- Wednesday, 2/22, 6:30-7:30 pm - PTA Meeting
- Thursday, 3/2 - 2-Hour Early Release
- Friday, 3/3 - NO SCHOOL / School Planning Day
- 4/3/2023 - 4/7/2023 - NO SCHOOL / Spring Break
How to Stay Connected to Holmes MS
Please stay in touch with us throughout the year by:
- keeping your contact information up-to-date throughout the year
- visiting the Holmes MS website
- signing up for News You Choose
- following us on Twitter
- monitoring your student's progress with SIS Parent Account
- join the Holmes MS PTA and attend meetings
FCPS & Community Updates
Text-to-Speech Available on FCPS Websites
FCPS is introducing an innovative way to address the diverse needs of the community. A new text-to-speech feature, available on the FCPS website and each school website, will read the words aloud from webpages.
The feature will help those with accessibility needs, such as visual impairments, dyslexia, or other difficulty reading large amounts of online text. The text-to-speech feature is available for English, Spanish, and Korean. Learn more and try out the new feature.
Have Your Say in Our Future!
Strategic planning Community Forums kick off on Monday, January 30, at 6:30 p.m., at Stone Middle School. Check out the schedule of Community Forums and register for one that is convenient for you. There will be one in-person event in each magisterial district and several virtual events.
Participating in a strategic planning Community Forum will give employees, parents/caregivers, students, and community members a chance to help shape the school division’s future. At each event, participants will review student achievement, access, and perception data, and identify both strengths and challenges within the data. Input from the forums will be analyzed by our consultant, Performance Fact, Inc., and shared with the Core Planning Team for potential inclusion in FCPS’ new Strategic Plan.
Childcare will be provided at in-person forums. Language interpretation will be provided, as available, at all events. Please register today.
We Want Your Feedback! Draft 2023-24 School Year Calendar Options
Your feedback is important! FCPS is seeking community feedback on the draft calendar options for the 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26 school years. Please share your thoughts by filling out this form. The form will be open through Tuesday, January 31, 1 p.m.
FY 2023-24 Proposed Budget Highlights
At the January 12 School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid proposed a budget for FY 2024 that focuses on attracting and retaining teachers and staff, initiatives aimed at closing the achievement gap for all students, and gives our youngest learners a strong start, including investments for special education students impacted during the pandemic.
The FY 2024 Proposed Budget totals $3.5 billion—a net increase of $249.6 million or 7.6% over the FY 2023 Approved Budget. Nearly 86% of the budget is targeted at instruction. The Proposed Budget focuses on several key areas:
- Innovative investments that close the achievement gap for all students:
- Equitable access to literacy.
- Increased access to PreK programming.
- Supports for students with special education needs.
- Funding for students in Advanced Academic Programs.
- Changing student enrollment needs.
- Increase in student and family supports, including access to middle school athletic opportunities that support student well-being.
- Continuation of green investments.
- Increased security measures.
- Proposed increases in employee compensation.
Watch Dr. Reid’s presentation to the board. Access the presentation slides on Boarddocs.
Future Planning for Students in Special Education
Youth Substance Use Presentations
- FCPS is dedicated to providing parents and community members with the most accurate and up-to-date information on youth substance use, prevention, addiction, interventions and available supports. Please join us and our partners from the Fairfax County Police Department and Community Services Board as we discuss these topics as well as the ongoing opioid crisis. Attendees will walk away with an understanding of:
- Alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, and opioid.
- List what you can do as a caregiver.
- How to identify and connect with community resources.
Please see below for more information about presentations in Annandale HS and Edison HS.
Summer Camps & Learning Opportunities
Tech Adventure Camp and CTE Summer Academy
We are excited to provide the following information about our 2023 CTE summer enrichment camps! The FCPS Career and Technical Education (CTE) office is once again offering two enrichment programs this year - Tech Adventure Camp and CTE Summer Academy.
What is CTE Summer Enrichment
- Hands-on, exploratory enrichment programs
- Teaches students engaging and exciting content in Career and Technical Education (CTE)
- Helps students make connections to careers and develop new skills
2023 Programs
- Tech Adventure Camp: Students in Kindergarten - grade 6 explore STEAM, culinary, health, trades, and computer science by rotating through daily classes
- NEW TO 2023: Tech Adventure Camp is now open to current kindergarten and 1st grade students!!
- CTE Summer Academy: Students in grades 7 - 11 choose their classes and dive deeper into CTE program areas, skills, and career exploration
- Cost - $275 per week
- *Fee waived for a select number of Free and Reduced Meal students
- Dates - July 10 - 14; July 17 - 21; and July 24 - 28
- Time - 8:30 am to 2:00 pm
- *Early drop off begins at 7:30 am
- Different weekly offerings
- Transportation from select FPCS schools is provided!
Additional Information can be found on our websites!
- Tech Adventure Camp -ly/FCPS_TAC
- CTE Summer Academy -ly/FCPS_CSA
Registration for both camps will begin February 1st. Our websites are updated regularly with more information. Feel free to contact Beth Mehr, CTE Summer Programs Educational Specialists, for more information. We look forward to creating, exploring, and learning with your students this summer!
Institute for the Arts Camps (IFTA)
IFTA is a two- or four-week summer enrichment program for students currently in grades 6-11. Students select from nearly 90 classes in art, dance, health and physical education 9, music, self-directed economics and personal finance, and theater. Visit the IFTA website for more information and registration.
E-IFTA is a weekly arts camp for students in grades 2-5 who love to sing, dance, act, perform, make, and create. Students take part in four classes every day related to dance, music, theater, and visual art. They work with FCPS fine arts teachers who create classes that are fun and engaging. Visit the E-IFTA website for more information and registration.
Stay Connected with FCPS
Being connected to your school and division is important every year, and even more so now as we navigate our return to school. The best way to stay informed is to sign up for newsletters through News You Chose.
Your school and FCPS have a variety of topics you can choose from, including:
- School Newsletters- featuring everything you need to know about your child’s school
- FCPS This Week- a weekly newsletter featuring news and happenings from across the division, published Wednesday mornings
- School Board Meeting Update- a recap of important news coming out of school board meetings, published the Friday morning after the meeting
- FCPS Employee News- weekly updates just for staff, published Tuesday mornings